
  1. “Flood risk and household waste management: An experimental study of the effect of information provision on the avoidance of probabilistic public bads” 2023年6月28日 2023 ESA World Meeting Lyon, France. (with E. Seki and N. Nishimura)
  2. “Flood risk and household waste management: An experimental study of the effect of information provision on the avoidance of probabilistic public bads ” 2022年3月17日 APESA 2022. Online (with E. Seki and N. Nishimura)
  3. “Coordination and free-riding problems in the provision of multiple public goods. ” 2021年7月22日 GAMES 2020. Online (with E. Seki)
  4. “Bargaining over a jointly produced pie: The effect of the production function on bargaining outcomes. ” 2021年6月17日. The 20th Annual SAET Conference. Online. (with R. Veszteg, Y. Kamijo, and Y. Funaki)
  5. “The effects of the earning process of the endowment on the altruistic behavior. ” 2019年10月11日. ESA North American Meeting 2019. Los Angeles, USA. (with E. Fukuda, M. Nagamine, T. Soshi)
  6. “Bargaining over an Endogenously Determined Pie.” 2019年3月8日. The 3rd East Asia Game Theory (EAGT) International Conference. Fuzhou, China. (with R. Veszteg, Y. Kamijo, and Y. Funaki)
  7. “Coordination and freeriding problem in blood donation.” 2017年8月1日. East Asian Game Theory Conference 2017. National University of Singapore, Singapore. (with E. Seki)
  8. “Coordination and freeriding problem in the blood market.” 2017年2月17日. 2017 Asian-Pacific ESA Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Economic Science Association. Taipei, Taiwan. (with E. Seki)
  9. “An Experiment on Behavior, Learning, and Forgetfulness in Inductive Game Theory.” 2016年7月24日. GAMES 2016, the 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society. Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands. (with Y. Funaki, M. Kaneko, and J. Kline)
  10. “Learning to play the dominated strategy?: Experimental Analysis of a Public Goods Game with Punishment Institution.” 2015年7月25日. 2015 ESA World Meetings. University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia. (with Y. Funaki and Y. Kamijo)
  11. “Learning to play the dominated strategy?: Experimental Analysis of a Public Goods Game with Punishment Institution.” 2014年5月19日. Joint conferences on “Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 8” and “The 8th Pan-Pacific Conference on Game Theory”. Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (with Y. Funaki and Y. Kamijo)
  12. “Learning to play the dominated strategy?: Experimental Analysis of a Public Goods Game with Punishment Institution.” 2014年8月21日. 14th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. (with Y. Funaki and Y. Kamijo)
  13. “An experimental study of learning from the perspective of inductive game theory.” 2013年7月22日. 13th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics. MINES Paris Tech, Paris, France. (with Y. Funaki, M. Kaneko, and J. Kline)
  14. “Sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Comparison of Centralized Punishment Institutions.” 2013年2月. 2013 Asia-Pacific ESA Conference. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. (with Y. Kamijo, T. Nihonsugi, and Y. Funaki)
  15. “Sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Comparison of Centralized Punishment Institutions.” 2012年7月. Games 2012. Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey. (with Y. Kamijo, T. Nihonsugi, and Y. Funaki)
  16. “Learning away from the dominant strategy: Experimental analysis of a public goods game with punishment institution.” 2012年12月. Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting of the Economic Science Association. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China. (with Y. Kamijo and Y. Funaki)
  17. “Sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: Comparison of Centralized Punishment Institutions.” 2011年6月. PET 11. Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana. (with Y. Kamijo, T. Nihonsugi, and Y. Funaki)
  18. “Experimental Study of the Prisoner’s Dilemma from the Perspective of Inductive Game Theory.” 2010年8月. 10th SAET Conference on current trends in economics. National University of Singapore. (with Y. Funaki, M. Kaneko and J. Kline)
  19. “Theoretical and experimental investigation of performance of keyword auction mechanisms.” 2010年7月. 2010 International ESA Copenhagen, Denmark. University of Copenhagen. (with E. Fukuda, Y. Funaki, Y. Kamijo and M. Masui)
  20. “Experimental Study of the Prisoner’s Dilemma with Role-Switching from the Perspective of Inductive Game Theory.” 2009年8月. Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice 6. University of Tsukuba. ( with Y. Funaki, M. Kaneko and J. Kline)
  21. “Experimental Results on Sponsored Search Auction: Comparison of GSP and VCG.” 2009 年8月. 2009 Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society. Tokyo University. ( with E. Fukuda, Y. Funaki, Y. Kamijo and M. Masui)
  22. “Strategic Sophistication Category: Response Time, Eye Movements and Prediction,” 2008年7月. Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society. North Western University, Evanston USA. ( with Y. Funaki and J. Vyrastekova)
  23. “Does Self-determination of Player Role Enhance Shared Entitlement: Evidence From the Ultimatum Game Experiment,” 2007年8月. ESA Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting. Shanghi. ( with Y. Kamijo)
  24. “Strategic Sophistication and Eye Movements.” 2007年6月. ESA World Meeting. Rome. ( with Y. Funaki and J. Vyrastekova)
  25. “Strategic Sophistication and Eye Movements.” 2007年2月. ESA Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting. Osaka. ( with Y. Funaki and J. Vyrastekova)


  1. “損失が税の再分配に与える影響 ” 2022年12月18日. 行動経済学会第16回大会. 明治大学. (with K. Inoue and E. Fukuda)
  2. “Overcoming problems of coordination and freeriding?in multiple public goods game: Dynamic contribution with information provision ” 2022年10月16日. 2022年度秋季大会日本経済学会. 慶應義塾大学. (with E. Seki)
  3. “Rise of irrational free riding behavior under a centralized punishment authority.” 2018年12月9日. 行動経済学会第12回大会. 慶應義塾大学. (with Y. Kamijo and Y. Funaki)
  4. “Coordination and Freeriding Problems in Blood Donations.” 2018年9月08日. 日本経済学会. 学習院大学. (with E. Seki)
  5. “Experimental Study of the Prisoner’s Dilemma from the Perspective of Inductive Game Theory.” 2010年6月. 日本経済学会. 千葉大学. (with Y. Funaki, M. Kaneko and J. Kline)
  6. “Does Self-determination of Player Role Enhance Shared Entitlement: Evidence From the Ultimatum Game Experiment.” 2007年9月. 日本経済学会. 東京. (with Y. Kamijo)

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